Master Theorem

  • The Master Theorem provides us a way to solve recurrences of a very special form.

  • Let T(n)=aT(nb)+f(n)T(n) = aT \left(\dfrac{n}{b} \right) + f \left( n \right), where a1,b>1a \geq 1, b > 1 and f(n)f \left( n \right) is asymptotically positive (positive for large nn as nn increases). If f(n)Θ(nc)f \left( n \right) \in \Theta \left( n^c \right), then

    T(n){Θ(nlogba),if a>bcΘ(nclogn),if a=bcΘ(nc),if a<bc. T(n) \in \begin{cases} \Theta \left( n^{\log_b a} \right), & \text{if } a > b^c \\ \Theta \left( n^c \log n \right), & \text{if } a = b^c \\ \Theta \left( n^ c \right), & \text{if } a < b^c. \end{cases}

  • Let’s demonstrate the Master Theorem using a few examples.

    • T(n)=4T(n2)+nT(n) = 4 T \left( \dfrac{n}{2} \right) + n.

      We see that a=4,b=2,f(n)=n,c=1a = 4, b = 2, f(n) = n, c = 1. The conditions of the Master Theorem are satisfied, so we can use it.

      We apply case 1, since 4>214 > 2^1. So T(n)Θ(nlog24)T(n)Θ(n2)T(n) \in \Theta \left( n^{log_2 4} \right) \Rightarrow T(n) \in \Theta \left( n^2 \right).

    • T(n)=4T(n2)+n2T(n) = 4 T \left( \dfrac{n}{2} \right) + n^2.

      We see that a=4,b=2,f(n)=n2,c=2a = 4, b = 2, f(n) = n^2, c = 2. The conditions of the Master Theorem are satisfied, so we can use it.

      We apply case 2, since 4=224 = 2^2. So T(n)Θ(n2logn)T(n) \in \Theta \left( n^2 \log n \right).

    • T(n)=4T(n2)+n3T(n) = 4 T \left( \dfrac{n}{2} \right) + n^3.

      We see that a=4,b=2,f(n)=n3,c=3a = 4, b = 2, f(n) = n^3, c = 3. The conditions of the Master Theorem are satisfied, so we can use it.

      We apply case 3, since 4<234 < 2^3. So T(n)Θ(n3)T(n) \in \Theta \left( n^3 \right).

    • T(n)=4T(n2)+n2lognT(n) = 4 T \left( \dfrac{n}{2} \right) + \dfrac{ n^2 }{ \log n }.

      We see that a=4,b=2,f(n)=n2logna = 4, b = 2, f(n) = \dfrac{ n^2 }{ \log n }. The conditions of the Master Theorem are not satisfied, so we cannot proceed to use it.

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