Disjoint Sets

A disjoint set is a data structure that keeps track of a universe of elements. The items are partitioned into a number of disjoint (non-overlapping) sets, so no item can be in more than one set.


  • Disjoint sets support two useful operations:

    • Find: determine which set a particular element is in.

      Find typically returns an item from this set that serves as its “representative”.

      By comparing the result of two find operations, one can determine whether two elements are in the same subset.

    • Union: join two subsets into a single subset.

  • For example, suppose that in our universe we have seven items: Microsoft, Verizon, Nokia, Yahoo!, Tubmlr, Skype and LinkedIn.

    • Initially, each item is in its own set. Let’s represent each set with the item’s name.

      example 0.png

      If we perform the find operation on each item, we will get the set that contains that item:

      find(Skype) → Skype
      find(Tumblr) → Tumblr
      find(LinkedIn) → LinkedIn
    • Now suppose Microsoft acquires Skype (we perform the union operation on the sets that contain Microsoft and Skype). We choose to refer to the resulting set as Microsoft. In addition, Yahoo! acquires Tumblr (we perform the union operation on the sets that contain Yahoo! and Tumblr). We choose to refer to the resulting set as Yahoo!.

      example 1.png

      If we perform the find operation on each item, we will get the set that contains that item:

      find(Skype) → Microsoft
      find(Tumblr) → Yahoo!
      find(LinkedIn) → LinkedIn
    • Let’s now suppose that we perform the union operation on the sets Microsoft and Nokia, then on the sets Microsoft and LinkedIn, and then on the sets Yahoo! and Verizon. We might end up with these sets:

      example 2.png

      If we perform the find operation on each item, we will get the set that contains that item:

      find(Tumblr) → Verizon
      find(Yahoo!) → Verizon
      find(Verizon) → Verizon
  • We will distinguish two main implementation of disjoint sets: Quick Find and Quick Union.

Quick Find

  • Quick Find algorithm is a list-based representation of disjoint sets that supports a quick find operation.

  • Each set references the list of items in that set.

  • Each item references the set that contains it.

  • find operation takes Θ(1)\Theta(1) time, since we only need to dereference the pointer that points to the set.

  • union operation, however, is slow. When we join two sets, we need to go through each item in one of the sets and change the pointer that points to the set.

Quick Union

  • Quick Union algorithm is a tree-based representation of disjoint sets that supports a quick union operation.

  • Each set is stored as a tree and the entire data structure is a forest.

    quick union tree.png
  • The root of the tree represents the true identity of the set.

  • Each item is initially root of its own tree.

  • Each item only has a parent pointer and has no child or sibling pointers.

  • To perform the union operation, we make the root of one set be the child of the root of another set. Time complexity of the union operation is Θ(1)\Theta(1).

  • To perform the find operation, we follow the parent pointer to the root. Time complexity of the find operation is proportional to the depth of the node.

Union by Size Optimization

  • To omptimize the complexity of the find operation, we want to prevent the items from getting too deep in the tree.

  • At each root, we record the size of the tree. (Even though the size is not always equivalent to depth, we’ll use size as an approximation.)

  • For the union operation, we make the smaller tree be a subtree of the larger one.

Array Representation

  • To represent the tree as an array, we make as assumption that the items in the universe are integers from 00 to n1n - 1.

  • We use an array of size nn and each item ii is represented by the element in the array at index ii. If an item has a parent, we record the parent of that item in the array. Otherwise, the item is a root and we record the size of the tree as a negative number.

  • With an array representation, the code for the union operation becomes as simple as

    void union(int root1, int root2) {
        if (array[root2] < array[root1]) {
            // root2 has a larger tree
            array[root2] += array[root1];
            array[root1] = root2;
        } else {
            // root1 has a larger tree
            array[root1] += array[root2];
            array[root2] = root1;

Path Compression Optimization

  • We observe that when we perform the find operation on an item, we traverse the tree by following the parent pointers up to the root.

  • To optimize future find operation, we will change the parent pointer to the root of tree for each item on which we perform the find operation.

  • The code for the find operation is now just

    void find(int x) {
        if (array[x] < 0) {
            // x is root
            return x;
        } else {
            array[x] = find(array[x]);
            return array[x];

Complexity of Quick Union

  • The union operation takes Θ(1)\Theta(1) time.

  • The find operation takes Θ(logu)\Theta(\log u) time in the worst case, where uu is the number of union operation. Average running time is close to constant.

  • A sequence of ff find operations and uu union operations takes Θ(u+fα(f+u,u))\Theta(u + f \alpha (f + u, u)) time in the worst case. α\alpha is the inverse Ackermann function that is extremely slow-growing.

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