Graph Traversal

  • A graph traversal is an algorithm to visit every one in a graph once.

  • Depth-first search (DFS) starts at an arbitrary vertex and searches a graph as “deeply” as possible as early as possible.

  • Breadth-first search (BFS) starts by visiting an arbitrary vertex, then visits all vertices whose distance from the starting vertex is one, then all vertices whose distance from the starting vertex is two, and so on.

  • In a graph, unlike a tree, there may be several ways to get from one vertex to another. To prevent visiting vertices twice, each vertex may have a boolean field called “visited” that tells us if we have visited the vertex before.

  • With DFS, we visit a vertex vv, and then checks every vertex ww that can be reached by some edge (v,w)(v, w) from vv. If ww has not yet been visited, DFS visits it recursively.


  • Just like with trees, we can distinguish pre-order and post-order DFS. In both cases, we mark a node visited before we visit other nodes. With pre-order DFS, we “visit” (print or do calculations on) a node before we “visit” other nodes. With post-order DFS, we “visit” a node after we “visit” other nodes. Generally, pre-order DFS is more common than post-order and is what we assume if the order is not specified.

  • Pseudocode for pre-order DSF:

        v.visited = true
        for each vertex w such that (v, w) ∈ E:
            if !w.visited:

    Pseudocode for post-order DFS:

        v.visited = true
        for each vertex w such that (v, w) ∈ E:
            if !w.visited:

    We could also implement depth-first search iteratively with a stack.

  • DFS is similar to a pre-order and post-order traversal on a tree.

  • As an example, suppose we do a DFS on this graph, starting at node 00.


    Pre-order DFS would be 0,1,2,5,4,3,6,7,80,1,2,5,4,3,6,7,8.

    Post-order DFS would be 3,4,7,6,8,5,2,1,03,4,7,6,8,5,2,1,0.

  • The running time of depth-first search is O(V+E)O(|V| + |E|) on adjacency lists and O(V2)O(|V|^2) on adjacency matrix.

  • Breadth-first search is similar to the level-order traversal, but we use it on a graph instead of a tree.

  • We select a vertex to start with. Using a queue, we visit all the vertices at distance 1 from the starting vertex, then all the vertices at distance 2, etc.

  • Pseudocode:

        // assume all nodes are marked as not visited
        visit(v, nil)
        v.visited = true
        q = Queue()
        while q is not empty:
            v = q.dequeue
            for each vertex w such that (v, w) ∈ E:
                if !w.visited:
                    visit(w, v)
                    w.visited = true

    The visit function now takes two parameters: the node we are visiting and where we came from. This allows us to do a computation such as finding the distance of the vertex from the starting vertex, or finding the shortest path between them.

    visit(w, origin)
        w.parent = origin
        if origin == nil:
            w.depth = 0
            w.depth = origin.depth + 1

    When an edge (v,w)(v, w) is traversed to visit the vertex ww, the depth of ww is set to the depth of vv plus one, and vv is set to become the parent of ww.

  • If the graph is an undirected tree, BFS performs a level-order tree traversal.

  • As an example, suppose we do a BFS on the same graph as before, starting at node 00.


    BFS would be 0,1,2,4,5,3,6,8,70,1,2,4,5,3,6,8,7.

    Notice how this gives the shortest route from node 00 to all other nodes.

  • After the breadth-first search, we can find the shortest path from any vertex to the starting vertex by following the parent pointers These pointers form a tree rooted at the starting vertex. Note that they point in the direction opposite the search direction that we first followed. The depth of each node tells us the length of those paths.

  • The running time of breadth-first search is O(V+E)O(|V| + |E|) on adjacency lists and O(V2)O(|V|^2) on adjacency matrix, just like depth-first search.

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